About this site
What is this? #
Spanish by Topic is a curated micro search engine, designed to help you quickly find resources for learning vocabulary in English and Spanish.
Click here for more information about how this website is organized.
How do I use it? #
Select a Category and Sub-category from the drop-down menus on the home page. Use the Vocabulary Level and Source drop-down menus to refine your search to look for specific types of vocabulary.
Vocabulary levels with explanations: #
Basic – High frequency use words and phrases that form the central lexicon of a language
Intermediate – The main body of words typically used by native speakers in a variety of situations; includes language typically found in secondary and post-secondary academic settings, except for vocabulary meeting the criteria for the “Advanced” or “Professional” levels.
Advanced - Lower frequency use words and phrases that typically would be used in discussing less common or specialized topics
Professional – Jargon used within a specific profession or field of study.
List of the types of sources: #
- Academia
- Collaboration
- Commercial
- Government
- Individual
- News Outlet
- NGO (Non-Governmental Organization)
- Non-Profit
- Professional Association
- Professional Journal